The Influence of Leadership and Discipline on Work Motivation and Its Impact on the Performance of Employees at the Office of Cooperatives, UKM, Industry and Trade, Bungo Regency

In the development of today’s modern era, various aspects of excellence are needed by every organization in order to achieve its goals. An organization or company really needs a strong potential and internal strength in order to face all the challenges, obstacles and changes that exist.

time are able to overcome problems with appropriate solutions according to existing situations and conditions. The main factor that the company’s activities in increasing sales. Needs and desires are met as well as efficient prices will determine consumer satisfaction. needed in order to realize the expectations of the organization is the human resource factor. In the current era of globalization of the business world, marked by the opening of intense competition in all fields, including in health services (hospitals).

This is a challenge for the implementation of the development of the Indonesian nation. Organizations face the challenge of being able to improve the quality of human resources in order to have special skills so they can compete with the business world.An organization needs an effective leader, who has the ability to influence the behavior of its members or subordinates. (Alimuddin, 2002). So, a leader or head of an organization will be recognized as a leader if he can influence and direct his subordinates towards organizational goals. Humans as an important element in the organization is very influential on the existence and competence of an organization. That is, the existence and competence of the organization can be realized through human activities. Therefore, whether an organization exists or not, and whether or not an organization is competitive is highly dependent and determined by humans. This is very important in order to face the current and future changes in the era, environment, or business climate.Leadership is one of the issues in management that is still interesting enough to be discussed today.

The role of leadership which is very strategic and important for the achievement of the mission, vision and goals of an organization, is one of the motives that encourages people to always investigate the intricacies associated with leadership.The quality of the leader is often considered the most important factor in the success or failure of an organization (Bass, 1990, in Menon, 2002) as well as the success or failure of an organization, both business and public oriented, is usually perceived as the success or failure of the leader. The importance of the role of leaders is so important that the issue of leaders has become a focus that has attracted the attention of researchers in the field of organizational behavior. Leaders play a key role in formulating and implementing organizational strategy. (Su’ud, 2000).Leaders need to carry out serious training for employees so that they can lead to organizational satisfaction and commitment so that in the end they can increase high performance.

Organizations that are successful in achieving their goals and are able to fulfill their social responsibilities will be very dependent on their leaders.Leadership style is a behavioral norm that is used by someone when that person tries to influence the behavior of others (Suranta, 2002).Leadership will be successful if the company’s goals have been communicated and subordinates have accepted them. A leader must apply a leadership style to manage his subordinates, because a leader will greatly influence the success of the organizationin achieving its goals. The right leadership style will motivate someone to excel. The success or failure of employees in work performance can be influenced by the leadership style of their superiors (Hardini, 2001 in Suranta, 2002). Suranta (2002) and Tampubolon (2007) have examined the effect of leadership style on performance, stating that leadership style has a significant influence on employee performance.This has the consequence that every leader is obliged to pay serious attention to fostering, mobilizing and directing all potential employees in their environment so that volume and workload are goal-directed (Sukarno Marzuki, 2002).

Leaders need to carry out serious coaching for employees in their environment in order to increase job satisfaction, organizational commitment and high performance. Leadership is a method used by a leader in influencing the behavior of others. Leadership style is a norm of behavior that is used by someone when that person tries to influence the behavior of others. Each ofthese styles has advantages and disadvantages.Every leader in paying attention to fostering, mobilizing and directing all potential employees in their environment has a pattern that varies from one to another. The difference is caused by the different leadership styles of each leader. Conformity between leadership styles, norms and organizational culture is seen as a key prerequisite for the successful achievement of organizational goals. In industrialized countries such as France, West

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